4 home remedies to treat wrinkles around the mouth

4 home remedies to treat wrinkles around the mouth

4 home remedies to treat wrinkles around the mouth
Here are inexpensive ways to get rid of deep wrinkles around your mouth.

Bombarding the skin cells with harsh chemicals can have effects which will eventually show itself in the form of skin disease, accelerated aging, and toxic build up in other organs.
 For younger looking skin, try kitchen ingredients, which has been tried and tested for maximum results.

    Aloe vera
Aloe vera soap and gel come loaded with several nutrients like glycerin, sodium palmate, sodium carbonate, sodium palm kemelate, sorbitol, etc. These are good for the skin and nourish your skin from within, giving you the skin that glows with health.

To apply this remedy, simply take some aloe vera gel and apply it to any affected area. Leave for around 30 minutes until it’s properly done its absorbing thing, and then rinse off.
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    Olive oil
Olive oil does have some reported benefits to the skin. According to the International Olive Council, olive oil has many vitamins, including A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E, a key ingredient that your skin needs.

Prepare yourself some olive oil before applying it to your mouth just before you go to bed for the night. Leave on overnight.
Then, rinse off the next morning.

    Tomato juice
Did you ever imagine that the ubiquitous tomato is a powerhouse of nutritional benefits?

The acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.
Prepare yourself a glass of fresh tomato juice before applying it to the affected areas and gently massaging into your skin. This stimulates better blood circulation and helps with the creation of new skin cells.

Leave for a few moments before rinsing with water.
READ ALSO:6 foods that fight wrinkles and premature aging

    Pineapple juice
Over the last decade, everyone has been harping on the beauty benefits of pineapple juice, but the truth is this kitchen staple has been used on the body since ancient times.

Pineapple juice is mostly recommended for skin treatment because it contains an enzyme called Bromelain, it’s the most effective for treating wrinkles – especially those pesky ones around your mouth.
To apply this home remedy, prepare yourself some pineapple juice. Apply it to your face – let’s do the whole face – before leaving for up to 20 minutes. Then, rinse off with water.

