#ChopMoni: How to Make $30,000/m On Amazon (As a Broke Millennial)

#ChopMoni: How to Make $30,000/m On Amazon (As a Broke Millennial)

Here's how to make $30,000/m online with the Amazon Associates Affiliate program. You can do this without a website, and because you can start for free and work your way up, it's great for broke millennials (or anyone looking to start a budget with zero start up costs).
In this video, I show you a channel that is making serious money online through YouTube videos and the Amazon affiliate program. He is also making over $1000/day online through the Google Adsense program as well. This channel is a text-book example of how to legitimately monetize YouTube while also giving YouTube exactly what they want so it's a win-win situation for all parties involved. The steps to creating moneymaking videos on YouTube with the Amazon Affiliate Program: 1) Create pure content videos in a popular niche market. These videos should range around 7-14 minutes. The call to action at the end of the videos should be to subscribe to your channel, and share the video to help with organic growth and social signals for your video. 2) Then, once your following starts to build, weave in some thorough but entertaining and valuable product review videos for products on Amazon related to your niche market. Link the product with your affiliate link on Amazon in the comments section of your review video.
Read More ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwu0BQg__6c&t=0s&list=PLbc1or0EJelSE2xXtSTj7Ir1qHTUue5LE&index=5